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Manage detailed business data together with Customer data with Act! Custom Tables

Act! Custom Tables unlock the full potential of Act!, empowering users with comprehensive insights to develop targeted sales & marketing strategies, deliver personalized customer experiences, and take business to the next level.

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Custom Tables Feature Highlights

Select the boxes below to see each feature area in action!

Manage Detailed Business Data Directly in Act!

Manage Detailed Business Data Directly in Act!

Manage detailed business and customer data with spreadsheet-like tables. View data holistically in aggregate list views or zero-in on specific data by filtering, grouping, and sorting your data.

Manage Detailed Business Data Directly in Act!
Drive Targeted Sales Campaigns
Provide a Better Customer Experience
Get Started Immediately with Pre-Built Industry Templates
Support Sales with Tailored Marketing Campaigns

Unlock the Full Potential of Act!

Most organizations manage their business with a unique mix of data, which is often stored in multiple systems, including spreadsheets.

Act! Custom Tables add spreadsheet-like tables and functionality to help maintain detailed business data with customer data directly in Act!.

Key Features & Benefits:

  • Spreadsheet-like tables to maintain detailed data related to mortgages, insurance policies, real estate, and more with customer data in a single system
  • Group, sort, filter, and summarize data with spreadsheet-like functionality
  • View data holistically in filterable, aggregate list views or at the individual contact, company, group, or opportunity level

Take Business to the Next Level

Managing business data in multiple systems impacts your efficiency, the accuracy of your data, and your ability to respond quickly to new opportunities.

With Custom Tables in Act!, data can be analyzed holistically to develop targeted sales & marketing strategies, or at the individual customer level to provide personalized experiences.

Key Features & Benefits:

  • View and analyze data such as software licenses, support plans, service contracts, and more in a single system to gain comprehensive insights
  • Filter and segment data involving projects, consulting engagements, products, and more in aggregate to drive targeted sales and marketing outreach
  • Reference detailed business data for individual contacts to deliver personalized customer experiences

Customize to Unique Business Needs

Customizing software to the unique needs of a business can be costly, timely, and labor-intensive.

Act! Custom Tables can be easily created and modified without the need for additional development resources. Custom Tables also include prebuilt industry templates to help you get started immediately.

Key Features & Benefits:

  • Easily create and customize tables without the need for additional development resources
  • Leverage pre-built industry and job-specific templates to get started immediately
  • Includes templates for insurance, loans, mortgages, residential realty, software, consulting, event planning, project management, services, and support

Who is Act! Custom Tables for?

Watch this video to learn how Custom Tables can help your business.

Act! CRM Video Thumbnail

Custom Tables help companies:

Act! CRM Card Image

Track complex products like insurance, mortgages, or financial services

Icon image of the task checkmark document Act! CRM

Track products with beginning and end dates, like contracts, warranties, and service plans

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Track serialized products or software keys associated with software licenses

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Track customer support, service, and consulting engagements, including billable hours

Act! Custom Tables Pricing

Act! Custom Tables are available to all Act! Premium active subscribers.

(billed annually)

Pricing pro-rates to align with existing Act! Premium subscription term.

Learn More about Act! Custom Tables

Review Custom Tables Frequently Asked Questions, Product Tour Videos, or the Act! Knowledgebase to learn more!

Have questions or want to try Custom Tables for free with a 14-day trial? Call and speak with us today.

Call 866-873-2006

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