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Maximize your productivity when working in Outlook with Act! Sidebar for Outlook

Experience effortless productivity and streamlined workflows with Act! Sidebar for Outlook. Featuring a modern interface that seamlessly integrates with Act!, Act! Sidebar for Outlook automatically records email exchanges to history, allows you to add & update contact information, review detailed history records, and schedule activities with one or more attendees, directly from Outlook.


Feature highlights

  • Quickly and easily identify Outlook email recipients as contacts in Act!
  • Automatically or manually attach email correspondence to Act! history records
  • Add new contacts and edit existing contacts from Outlook emails
  • Review detailed history records for most recent interactions including activity type, dates, and notes directly from Outlook
  • Create and schedule different activities with known contacts with the ability to invite multiple attendees
  • Leverage Act! for Outlook via embedded Act! Menu or optional sidebar

System requirements & compatibility –

  • Requires Act! Premium Cloud or Act! Premium Desktop v25.2 or later
  • Works with Microsoft Outlook,, Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365), IMAP and POP servers
  • Does not work with Outlook On The Web (formerly Outlook Web Access (OWA))

Setup & configuration notes –

Requires an active Act! Premium subscription.

To get started in Act! Premium Cloud, select “Preferences” from the “Tools” dropdown menu, select the “Email” option, and follow the steps to configure email settings and synchronization preferences.

To get started in Act! Premium Desktop v25.2, select “Preferences” from the “Tools” dropdown menu, go to the “Email & Outlook Sync” tab, and follow the steps to configure email settings and synchronization preferences.

Using an older version of Act!?

Go here to learn more about Outlook integration for older versions of Act!.