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Act! Custom Tables

For just an additional $10/user/month1, unlock the full potential of Act! using Custom Tables in Act! Premium Plus! Bring complex data sets, unique business processes, and specialized industry practices together in Act! to manage your business.

Don’t miss out! Call 888-893-5495 or contact your Act! Certified Consultant2 to learn more.

10$ add custom tables

Track rich, specialized data

Track rich, specialized data unique to your business or industry.

Do you struggle to find the right place for data like insurance policy details, product catalogs, mortgage information, or project management dates?

Unlock the full potential of Act! using Custom Tables and Industry Templates in Act! Premium Plus. Custom Tables Manager provides maximum adaptability so you can bring complex data sets, unique business processes, and specialized industry practices together in Act! to manage your business. But unlike spreadsheets, you can associate individual table entries to Act! contacts, companies, groups, and opportunities for easy reference.

Plus, you get the benefits of CRM to action on the data—create activities and to-dos, send follow-up emails, engage in informed sales conversations, and more.

Put the data to work

Put the data to work for you to boost productivity and drive sales.

Because you now have a place for everything in Act!, you get total visibility of what’s happening with your business and customers in one place.

Managers can search and filter Custom Tables to view roll-up metrics for things like insurance policies, product sales, mortgage totals, or project deadlines, while users can view highly-specialized information like the details of an individual insurance policy, product sale, mortgage, or project for a particular contact. Instead of digging through disparate spreadsheets or other systems for answers, all the customer details are at your fingertips—right where you need them in Act!.

Take it a step further and action on communications tied to policy end dates, contract renewal dates, upcoming warranty expirations, or even birthdays tracked in Custom Tables.

Make it yours quickly

Make it yours quickly with industry-specific templates and solutions.

Leverage industry-specific templates, fully optimized to capture and manage data relevant to your unique business or industry. Get started with templates for Consulting, Event Planning, Insurance, Loans, Mortgage, Product Inventory, Projects, Realty, Service, Software, and Support.

Start from scratch with an Act! Certified Consultant1 who can design Custom Tables to manage the detailed data you’ve always wanted to capture, but just didn’t have a place for—the possibilities are limitless!

Add Custom Tables with Act! Premium Plus for just an additional $10/user/month1.

To learn more, call 888-893-5495 or contact your Act! Certified Consultant².