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Flexible software for real estate professionals

Act! has the solutions to take you from follow-up to closing

Today’s real estate market can be hectic, with a frenzy of multiple offers, contracts being signed on smartphones and many sales teetering on the verge of going through or falling through. A well-connected agent needs a platform like Act! that keeps them on top of every client need and ahead of every transaction.

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Contact & Activity Management

Store client information, view a complete history of every interaction you’ve had with them, and group similar clients and prospects using advanced query tools.

Over 60 customizable fields within Act! give you a completely personalized experience. You can also use Act! to manage individual and team calendars to keep everyone focused on each day’s top priorities.

Email Marketing

Communicate directly with clients one-on-one or as intelligently segmented groups with professionally designed, eye-catching emails, and track your successes with real-time campaign reporting.


Sophisticated tracking and intelligent Call Lists let you send the right message to the right client or prospect at the right time – directly from within Act!

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“We could not function a day without [Act! Premium]. It’s way beyond Contact Management software – it is our business operations tool. We wouldn’t be able to run this business without it.”

Cecilia Wahlquist
Hawaii Commercial Real Estate, LLC
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Stay connected to your agency when you’re on the go and access key contact information, calendar details, and more from your iOS or Android™ device. Work online to update data in real time, or work offline in the field without losing productivity.

Opportunity & Sales Tracking

Capture prospect information and easily group, assign, and nurture potential clients through the beginning of your contract process.

Complete activities in each stage of your pipeline to keep deals moving smoothly from contract to close, and analyze the health of your pipeline to better understand team performance and make strategic business decisions.

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