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Anti-spam Policy

Anti-Spam Policy

In order to maintain email deliverability for all of its users, Act! has zero-tolerance for sending spam. Violations of this policy, as determined at the sole discretion of Act!, may result in suspension or termination of your account, or required corrective action. Refunds will not be provided for any consequences resulting from a violation of this policy. This policy is part of our Terms of Service. You may also want to read our Privacy Policy.

What is Spam?

Any email that is unsolicited or unwanted by your recipients is considered spam. As a sender, it is your responsibility to ensure every email you send is both wanted and expected by your recipients.

Symptoms of sending spam include, but are not limited to:

  • Spam complaint rates over 0.1%
  • Hard bounce rates over 5%
  • Sending to spam traps
  • Spam reported directly to the Act! abuse department

Requirements and Recommendations for Remaining Compliant:

  • You must obtain explicit permission from your recipients before sending email via any Act! services. For permission to be considered explicit, it must be freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguous. It is recommended that you keep a written or electronic record of permission for each recipient.
  • You must comply with the requirements of the CAN-SPAM Act, even if your business operates outside of the United States, such as:
    • Don’t falsify the “From” address or “Reply-To” address
    • Don’t use deceptive subject lines
    • Include an opt-out mechanism and honor opt-outs promptly
    • Include your valid physical address
  • You must be aware of and comply with any regional laws applicable to you or your recipients (e.g. CASL, GDPR, etc.).
  • In order to avoid violations of this policy, it is also recommended that you employ industry-standard best practices for email marketing such as using email confirmation (AKA double opt-in) and regularly removing unengaged contacts from your marketing list.

Act! Does Not Allow:

  • Sending to third party lists: email addresses that are purchased, rented, borrowed, acquired through a joint venture, harvested, or were otherwise obtained without explicit permission.
  • Sending to recipient addresses that have previously opted-out, filed a spam complaint, or hard bounced, without first re-acquiring explicit permission.
  • Sending spam via another email provider that refers recipients back to Act! services.
  • Sending email or templates generated by Act! services via another email provider.
  • Sending email with spam-related content or from spam-related industries.