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Handheld Contact

Loaded with powerful features that give you a comprehensive Act! mobile experience on iPhone®, iPad®, Android™, and BlackBerry®1.

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Quick Access to Act! Details

Enjoy quick access to your Act! contacts, activities, notes, and history from your mobile device2, in addition to the new Mobile Mapping feature. Clear activities, schedule follow-ups—all the key tasks you perform in Act! are just as obvious in Handheld Contact.

Powerful Mobility Features

Benefit from powerful mobility features, including alarms on your device for Act! activities, caller ID for your Act! contacts, history creation based on texts or emails from your device, voice-to-text, and more.

Easy to Setup, Easy to Use

Anyone can setup Handheld Contact—it’s easy to install. It’s simple to use as well, because Handheld Contact is a native mobile app that’s easy to navigate and doesn’t rely on the internet.


Act! can be tailored to meet your unique business needs, so your mobile app should be too. That's why Handheld Contact has a variety of customization features you control, giving you access to meaningful Act! data.

Secure with No Dependencies

Handheld Contact doesn’t require you to setup and configure servers or use other third-party apps or services. Your data is encrypted during syncing and not permanently stored.

HIPPAA Compliant Security with Handheld Contact Secure +

Choose Handheld Contact Secure + for HIPPAA compliant features that add another layer of security, give admins greater control, and ensure local Handheld Contact data on the device is encrypted.

Feature Highlights

The most popular, useful features of Act! are built into Handheld Contact so you can get more done while on the go:


  • Manage Act! data from Handheld Contact on your mobile device without WiFi or network internet access.
  • Sync up to 15,000 Act! contacts
  • Increase contact sync limits to 30,000 or 45,000 Act! contacts for an additional fee 
  • Sync securely using 128-bit encryption
  • Automatic and wireless sync
  • Record history, activities, calls, emails, and SMS
  • Sync contacts, custom activities, tasks, notes, history, other users' activities, additional customer fields, pre-defined activities, and phone contact list
  • Enter new contacts, calendar items, and activities 
  • Edit contacts, calendar items, and activities
  • Clear activities 
  • View and edit other Act! users’ activities
  • Custom field mapping
  • Profiles for syncing multiple users
  • Exclude categories from sync
  • Sync to 3rd party applications
  • Central admin console for all users
  • Web administration for accounts

Device & Software Compatibility

Mobile Devices

Works with:
iPhone and iPad iOS 8.0 or higher
Android OS 2.2 or higher
BlackBerry 10 (BB10) smartphones

Act! Versions

Compatible with:

Act! v22
Act! v21
Act! v20
Act! v19
Act! v18
Act! v17
Act! v16
ACT! 2013 (v15)
ACT! 2012 (v14)
ACT! 2011 (v13)
ACT! 2010 (v12)
ACT! 2009 (v11) – device limitations: Android OS not compatible with this version
ACT! 2008 (v10) – device limitations: Android OS not compatible with this version
ACT! 2007 (v9) – device limitations: Android OS not compatible with this version
ACT! 2006 (v8) – device limitations: Apple iOS and Android OS not compatible with this version
ACT! 2005 (v7) – device limitations: Apple iOS and Android OS not compatible with this version
ACT! for Web, ACT! for Financial Professionals, and ACT! for Real Estate


Compatible versions of Microsoft® Windows® on the server, computer, or laptop hosting the Act! database:

Windows Server 2016
Windows 10
Windows 8.1
Windows 8
Windows 7
Windows Server 2012
Windows 2008 RC
Windows Vista
Windows XP Professional
Windows XP Media Center Edition
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2003
Windows 2000 Professional
Windows Server 2000

Note: Windows XP HOME EDITION is not compatible with the Handheld Contact computer application.