Act! in the cloud holds the key to ‘competitive collaboration’
By switching from a desktop to an Act! cloud-based version, this firm of commercial real estate consultants discovered that it made their business better by enabling much greater collaboration among their team.
“We chose Act! in the first place because we wanted a CRM that would help us to better understand, track and qualify our prospects and clients, but without having to wade through all of the non-essential features.”
Brian Pashkoff
Managing Principal
- Act! has significantly improved collaboration within the business. Now information about clients and deals is shared and there is no duplication of effort.
- MGA chose Act! because they wanted a CRM that would enable them to understand a client’s situation and track progress of deals without getting distracted by unnecessary, non-essential features.
- The similarity between the desktop and cloud versions meant that switching between the two was problem-free because everyone was already familiar with Act! and how it works.