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Act! Upgrade Center

Using an older version of Act!? There’s never been a better time to upgrade! Check out what’s new since your version, explore the benefits of integrated CRM and email marketing, learn about the risks of outdated software, and find out why thousands of Act! users like you have made the leap to an Act! subscription!

Using Act! but not a subscriber? Call for special pricing!

Explore the Top 5 Reasons to Subscribe

top 5 subscriptions webinar screenshot

On-Demand Webinar

How to Get the Most from Act!

Top 5 Reasons to Subscribe

Ready to take Act! to the next level? In this on-demand webinar, we cover the benefits of upgrading to 64-bit Act! v24, demo new features including Outlook integration and Act! Marketing Automation, and discuss the value of an Act! Subscription and the importance of staying current—your blueprint for success with Act!.

The future is now…don’t get left behind!

The Future is Now - Don't Get Left Behind!

Don’t put yourself at risk by running an old version of Act!. Now is the time to upgrade.

To learn more about your upgrade options, call us at 020 3835 2755  or contact your Act! Certified Consultant.

*The 25% discount applies to first year of Act! Marketing Automation paid plans, or for the remainder of the current Act! subscription term. Offer can not be applied to Growth Suite plans or existing Act! Marketing Automation plans. Offer ends December 31, 2022.